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Follow a balanced diet

By Jonathan Porter |
Follow a balanced diet

When most people start a weight loss phase, the first thing they think of is eating the typical flavourless chicken breast, broccoli and salads for the weeks to come. Give it some time and you'll end up going back to your old eating habits and possibly putting on more weight than you've begun with.

Tracking your macronutrient intake is a great way to allow some flexibility into your diet. There are many different apps you can use to track your macros, the most common being My Fitness Pal. You can log all your food by either searching their data base, entering them manually by reading the nutritional information on packets, or you can simply scan the barcode on packets to register them into your app. You'll also need a set of scales to weigh your food. Once you've entered in all your food for the day, the app will calculate all your total calories and macros consumed.


If you are looking to lose weight, it is important that you remain in a consistent caloric deficit. Your body requires a certain amount of calories each day to maintain its current weight. My Fitness Kitchn can help you eat less than this amount by delivering you our fresh pre made fitness meals in Sydney. By eating in a caloric deficit, yet enjoying your delicious fitness meals at the same time, your body burns your stored fat for fuel, which results in fat loss.

There's no need to feel guilty after eating a single chocolate bar, just include it into your macro count for the day and continue to hit your macro targets while enjoying the foods you love. A sustainable and balanced diet is key to being consistent.

Make sure you order My Fitness Kitchn's prepared fitness meals that are delivered in Sydney. Simply head to our order now page to try our delicious meals.

- Jonathan